Program Overview
College of The Albemarle’s (COA) Manicuring/Nail Technology program provides competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles and hands-on fundamentals associated with the nail technology industry. The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment that will enable you to develop manipulative skills. Course work includes instruction in all phases of professional nail technology, business/computer principles, product knowledge and other related topics.
This certificate program is offered through the Workforce Development and Career Readiness department at COA – Elizabeth City.
Degree Option: Certificate
- Laptop or tablet
- Book bundle purchased from COA bookstore
- Kit purchased from bookstore
- Pens, pencils, highlighters and a black Sharpie™
- Notebook/3-ring binder
- Various sized Ziplock™ bags and plastic containers (you may wait until after classes start to purchase)
- Small labeled first aid kit
On the first day of class, bring:
- The required supplies listed, with the exception of Ziploc bags and plastic containers
- Social Security card and state-issued photo identification (must have to be counted present)
- Black uniform-style top and bottom
- Black socks
- Black work apron (included in kit purchased from the bookstore)
- COA identification badge with protective plastic covering that attaches to the front top of the apron
- Black lab jacket is optional (If you’re cold natured this is a good investment as visible shirts cannot be worn under your uniform top, and coats and hoodies aren’t permitted)
- Black shoes that meet following requirements:
- Closed toe and enclosed back (no slip-on or clog style)
- Solid black color, no stripes or colored emblems, laces or soles
- Athletic or clinic style shoe with a back heel support of at least 1 inch
The nature of the Nail Technology profession demands punctuality, dedication and dependability. These professional ethics are obtained by participation in daily classes and lab activities. To ensure that you learn the skills necessary for manicuring and progress within the Nail Technology curriculum, attendance is mandatory. Excused absences require appropriate documentation and are as follows:
- Required court appearance
- Required military service
The Program Coordinator reserves the right to verify submitted documentation. Although these are excused absences, this doesn’t mean you would be granted the clock hours for the time missed. It means that you would be allowed an “Incomplete” in the course enrolled in at that time (if you’re unable to complete all necessary clock hours for that course).
The North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Arts states that 300 clock hours must be met in order for a student to qualify for licensure as a Cosmetologist. The Cosmetology (COS) program is structured so that a student will receive the necessary clock hours each semester to complete 1500 clock hours.
- You’re only allowed to miss so many of the total clock hours for each course during the semester in order to make the hours up at the end of the semester during exam week
- The maximum time that can be missed in COS 121 is 10 clock hours; the maximum time that can be missed in COS 222 is 10 clock hours
In order to meet these time requirements, you’re responsible for tracking and being constantly aware of your hours. Failure to accrue the proper number of hours for each course will result in non-completion of the program. Hours will be provided to you on a monthly basis by the COS department.
Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Sheila McCoy
252-335-0821 ext. 2272